So... what’s the story

behind the name…
…...Well it’s a long, unlikely story….
As the oldest of 6 kids, I’ve always taken the role of big brother seriously . Through-out my life I’ve always naturally tried to look out for the little guys and like any good big brother, I’ll always have my family’s back, because family, blood or otherwise, is very important to me.
I come from the land of ice and snow....
I grew up in a God-fearin’ hard-workin’, potato-farmin’ family in rural Northern Maine, (Caribou). 20 minutes, 30 minutes or 4 hours from the Canadian Border depending on which cardinal direction you traveled in. I worked on the family farm from a very young age and at the begging and pleading of my mother would almost constantly have hearing protection on as I was often working around noisy farm equipment. That put me inside my own head a lot and since this was the land before cellphones, I’d have to get creative to keep myself entertained. That, combined with the fact that I was a giant nerd and a cartoon junkie, I discovered I had a knack for re-creating character voices, and would do so for hours on end to pass the hours by. By the time high school rolled around I had stepped into my own and began to embrace my vocal path. It was discovered that I possessed the pipes for rock music and it didn't take long for all of my musical friends recruit me to do vocals in their garage bands.

Despite all the fun I had, according to my parents, rock bands in Northern Maine didn’t pay the bills. So under some pressure from them, I went to community college for an Associates degree in fixin’ cars. During which, I passed the mandatory physics classes with flying visible electromagnetic waves (colors) and from the encouragement of my physics instructor, I looked into Engineering school. I was accepted to a college just outside the “big city” of Portland, Maine and finally discovered the world outside of the Great white North. As a proud nerd I soaked up all the knowledge I could and I excelled in disciplines such as thermodynamics and acoustics.
Then I got married and started a family....
Once out of college, I took a "big-boy" job to support my new family with a niche construction company. I was thrown into the world of construction insulating the old leaky homes of Northern New England and fell in love with building science, (again, nerd alert). I wore many different hats as I explored my love for construction and absorbed everything I could from anyone willing to train me. Plus, with my engineering background and my farmer’s work ethic I easily rose to a project design role and still enjoy doing it to this day…..Until I made a phone call.
I spoke to a kind gentleman named Evan at a little organization called Such A Voice, and to prove to him that I had merit, I read to him. But due to lack of decent reading material I read to him from the service manual to the work van I was sitting in. He stopped me mid-read and told me to buckle up, life was about to take a strange, but exciting turn.